Your Nail Party is JUST around the corner! I am SO excited to help you host your Virtual Nail Bar on Facebook! These parties are always so much fun, and I love getting to know you and your friends better!
Let's Party!
Take a look at the Hostess rewards offered from Color Street, and then let me know YOUR party goal is. I recommend aiming for $380 (CAD) party because you will get 4 free nail strips, 3 half offs, and FREE shipping.
If your party gets $190 CAD in sales then you get 1 free nail strip and another at 50% off!
I will do my BEST to help you reach your goal!
As my gift to you for hosting a party, I will be sending you 1 FREE set as well :)
I know what you are thinking...
“What do I do now? How do I invite my friends?”
We will have your party in a private Facebook group. I will create the group and then add you!
Facebook has changed some of their rules for groups, so if you use the invite button your guests may be in a weird "invited" phase until they accept. To combat that please send the link to the group once I send it to you to anyone who wants to be a part of your party! This will allow them to request to join.
Personally inviting always works best!
Get The
Word Out/
Here are a couple of ideas on how to get the word out that you're having a Color Street party!
1. TALK! Let all of your friends & family know you're found this awesome new product and that you'd love for them to join your party to learn more about it!
2. STATUS UPDATE! Post this wording on your personal Facebook page: “I'm hosting a virtual Color Street party right here on Facebook! I would love for you to join the party! No pressure to buy but come check it out! Comment below for the link to the private group." Let me know if you want a nailfie or photo to add to your post!
3. SHARE! Share the link to the party group with your Facebook friends in a private message inviting them to your party! I will be posting in the group about samples, so they can request a FREE two finger tester before your party actually starts!
4. A PICTURE SAYS 1000 WORDS! Post a picture of YOUR nails with Color Street polish on them, on your personal page. Say something like "I can't believe I did this manicure myself in 10 minutes!" or "I'm loving this new nail product! It was SO EASY to make my nails look amazing!"
Those who like, love and comment on your post are the ones you can personally reach out to and tell them you are having a party. You can then share the group link with them so they can request to join.
Once we have at least 10 people in the party group, I will make a fun post and have the guests post a party GIF as a response...then we will get started!
During the party, it is important that you stay engaged!
Comment and like all the party posts (not to be entered into the drawing but to help encourage engagement). Reply to or like all of your guests comments on the posts. If you want to Go LIVE with me in the group showing how to apply the nails, let me know! This will help REALLY pump up your guests about trying out their accent nails!
Once I post about how to be entered into the giveaway, please tag your guests in the comments below that post so they know how they can participate.
The important thing to remember is to JUST HAVE FUN!
Remember I WILL be doing most of the work for you! But your friends are at the party to support YOU, so the more interaction from you the better!
I am looking forward to sharing Color Street with you and your friends!
After Your
At the end of the party, make sure to FOLLOW UP!
Send a quick message to your guest especially those who requested a sample or those who haven't ordered yet. Here are some examples:
Example 1:
Did you get you a chance to check out my online nail party last night in the FB group? I’m SO in love with Color Street nails, they so inexpensive and easy to apply! I really think you’d love them too! My party closes TONIGHT, did you want me to send you my link so you can browse and shop?
Example 2:
Thanks for checking things out during my party! I love these nails so much and can’t wait for you to fall in love too. I wanted to make sure you have the ordering link, here it is (add link) I can’t wait to see what you get! Make sure you share your pics in the group so everyone can see! Let me know if you have any questions about the nails or ordering :)